“What a wonderful and timely piece of work.  I doubt you could have anticipated how important a film it would be as everyone is facing a sudden and shocking turn of events in their life coupled with the uncertainty, from day to day, of what’s ahead.  Rachel has so much to teach us at this moment.  Thanks to your beautiful film her spirit indeed has the potential of living on and helping others live their lives more wisely and calmly.”

Gail Reimer – Founding Director of Jewish Women’s Archive

“Outlines the contours of Cowan’s remarkable life and her quiet bravery in the face of terminal brain cancer.”

Judy Bolton-Fasman, JewishBoston

“It is a beautiful, loving tribute to an activist rooted in her spiritualism and her belief in justice and who embodied gentleness and unshakeable commitment. Weiman-Kellman has given us, what one person in the audience called, a meditation. Tell everyone about this film and get your synagogues, JCCs, Jewish Studies and Women’s Studies, etc. to order it.”

Irena Klepfisz – Poet

“Rachel Cowan’s wisdom on dying – and living – could help us now.”

“Through the example of her life she shows others how to face death mindfully, to find meaning in their days and to continue experiencing gratitude and compassion.”

Sandee Brawarsky, The New York Jewish Week

“An intimate portrait of Cowan’s final months and the vibrant and eventful life that preceded her illness.”

PJ Grisar, Forward

“The magic of film is time suspended. We see Rachel as she approaches death. But we also see her as a 20something, blonde all-American bride with her beloved – forever young.”

Amy Stone, Lilith

“I was privileged to connect once again with Rabbi Rachel Cowan z”l, who speaks of her living with and dying of brain cancer: “Without this practice, without the years that I put in, I don’t know how I would do this.” Her mindfulness practice didn’t make the fear go away, nor did it protect her from death, but it allowed her to live in the present with love and gratitude—even with the brokenness. “

Rabbi Felicia Sol, B’Nai Jesuraun